The GradientFromCenter type exposes the following members.


Public propertyEndColor
Gets or sets gradient end color.
(Inherited from Gradient.)
Public propertyEndColorStop
Gets or sets end color stop. Value is in the range [0..1].
(Inherited from Gradient.)
Public propertyRotated
Gets or sets whether the gradient rotated with shape.
(Inherited from Gradient.)
Public propertyStartColor
Gets or sets gradient start color.
(Inherited from Gradient.)
Public propertyStartColorStop
Gets or sets start color stop. Value is in the range [0..1].
(Inherited from Gradient.)
Public propertyType
Gets gradient type.
(Inherited from Gradient.)
Public propertyX
Gets or sets X coordinate of a gradient focus. Value is in the range [0..1].
Public propertyY
Gets or sets Y coordinate of a gradient focus. Value is in the range [0..1].

See Also